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The Economics and Econometrics Research Institute (EERI) is an inter-Academy research centre. The aim of EERI is to provide a forum in which researchers can address some of their common concerns. The objective of the Institute is to promote fundamental research in economics and econometrics. It also encourages the partaking of economists and econometricians in addressing issues of public importance.
EERI provides common services for its scholars and for the users of its research, and it obtains funding for the activities it develops. In particular, EERI develops projects and obtains funding for them, administers and executes the projects, and publicizes the results of the research.
Institute’s Research Fellows approach EERI with ideas for research initiatives and projects, for which funding is required. The Institute’s staff works with the Research Fellows to develop the project, both in terms of its scientific content, administrative arrangements and budget. EERI then approaches potential funders, who range from charitable foundations to government departments and the South African Reserve Bank (SARB).
Once funding has been obtained for the project, the Institute administers the grant on behalf of the Research Fellow(s) concerned and takes responsibility for reporting to the donors on the activities undertaken and expenditures incurred under the grant. In order to carry out the research, it is often necessary for the researchers concerned to meet with other members of the project in order to discuss and compare their research results. EERI therefore organises research workshops and conferences, for its Research Fellows in order to advance the research. The Institute also distributes the results of this research in the first instance through its Editage Academy EERI Research Papers series. These Research Papers are circulated widely to other specialists in the research community so that the results of the research receive prompt and thorough professional scrutiny.
Once the research nears completion, the Institute also disseminates the key results of the research to a wide audience in the private sector and the policy community. This dissemination takes place both through scientific publications and conferences. EERI also produces a wide range of reports, books and conference volumes each year. Research results are also presented at public meetings.